Ubiquity interview in Chinese

Mitcho on Ubiquity i18n / l10n on YouTube

This past weekend was Mozilla Party JP 10 here in Japan and one of the speakers was Bob Chao (趙柏強) of Creative Commons Taiwan and MozTW. We got to talking in Chinese and he got a video interview of me talking about Ubiquity and our upcoming Parser 2 and the challenges of localization. I’ve never talked about my Mozilla work in Chinese before so it was definitely a challenge and I stumbled a lot, but hopefully some of the ideas got through. :)

前天我參加了Mozilla Party 10,一個日本 Mozilla 社群的會議。我在 Mozilla Party 才認識台灣 Mozilla 社群的趙柏強,我們就開始講國語。因為我自己很想念用中文,所以我非常高興有這個機會跟他談話。以後他拍一端 video,我給台灣的 Mozilla fans 把 Ubiquity 介紹一下。我的中文真的亂七八糟,大家對不起喔。 ^^;