The Antisymmetrizer
Here’s a tool to linearize a tree following Kayne’s (1994) Linear Correspondence Algorithm. Enter your tree in qtree bracket notation.
α c-commands β iff
- α and β are categories
every node that dominates α dominates β</input>
every node that completely dominates α completely dominates β (warning: can be slow with long input)</input>, and -
α does not dominate β</input>
α does not completely dominate β</input>
α excludes β (no segment of α dominates β)</input>
The image d(α) is the set of leaves that are dominated by α</input> or completely dominated by α</input>.
Here is the tree we will actually antisymmetrize:
We first create a list of ordered pairs <α,β> where α asymmetrically c-commands β:
A = {}
We now compute the image d of all pairs: ()
d(A) = {}
Here are any and all final linearizations: